Key Documents
Broadway Junior School is a mainstream school where no child will be discriminated against because of a physical, learning, emotional or behavioural difficulty or due to a sensory impairment. We are passionate about ensuring all children reach their potential in all areas of school life.
We recognise that all pupils are entitled to a quality of provision which will enable them to achieve their potential.
We believe in positive intervention by removing barriers to learning; raising expectations and levels of achievement and working in partnership with other agencies in order to provide a positive educational experience for all SEND pupils.
At Broadway Junior School, we believe that parents are equal partners in their child’s education. If parents are concerned about their child’s progress they should speak to their child’s teacher in the first instance. Where you may feel necessary, contact should be made with the SENDCo or the Headteacher.
As soon as staff feel that a child has Special Educational Needs they will talk to the parents and bring the child to the attention of the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) who can be contacted via the school office (0191 528 3058)
The key responsibilities of the SENDCo include:
- overseeing the day-to-day operation of the school’s SEND policy;
- coordinating provision for children with SEND;
- liaising with the relevant Designated Teacher where a looked after pupil has SEND;
- advising on the Graduated Approach to providing SEND support;
- advising on the deployment of the school’s delegated budget and other resources to meet pupils’ needs effectively;
- liaising with parents of pupils with SEND;
- liaising with early years providers, other schools, educational psychologists, health and social care professionals, and independent or voluntary bodies;
- being a key point of contact with external agencies, especially the local authority and its support services;
- liaising with potential next providers of education to ensure a pupil and their parents are informed about options and a smooth transition is planned;
- working with the headteacher and school governors to ensure that the school meets its responsibilities under the Equality Act (2010) with regard to reasonable adjustments and access arrangements and
- ensuring that the school keeps the records of all pupils with SEND up to date.
The Headteacher – Mr David Walton-Jonas
Responsible for:
- The day-to-day management of all aspects of the school, this includes the support for children with SEND.
- The Headteacher will give responsibility to the SENDCo and class teachers but is still responsible for ensuring that your child’s needs are met.
- The Headteacher must make sure that the Governing Body is kept up to date about issues relating to SEND.
The SEND Governor – Mr Phil Boyle
Responsible for:
- Making sure that the necessary support is given for any child who attends the school who has SEND.
- Liaising with school on a regular basis to ensure that she is aware of the SEND processes and systems that Mr Walton-Jonas has implemented.
Mr Boyle can be contacted via the school office on 0191 528 3058 or via the school e-mail account which is
A termly meeting will take place between the SENDCo and the Link Governor(s) in order to ensure the they are kept up to date regarding the provision for SEND pupils.
Special Educational Needs provision is the responsibility of the whole teaching staff and will be dealt with, on the whole, by presenting a differentiated curriculum to meet the individual pupil’s needs whilst addressing specific, measurable targets that are agreed with alongside the child, parents, school staff and, where required, outside agencies.
Currently staff are working with the following outside agencies:
Education Services
Special Educational Needs Support Service, Educational Psychology, services for physical disabilities, Autism Outreach Team, Early Help Team, Language and Learning, Sensory Support including the Hearing Impaired service and Visually Impaired Service.
Health & Social Services
Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT), Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Specialist Consultants, General Practitioners, Paediatrics, Health visitors, School Nurses, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), Children and Young Peoples Services (CYPS) and Social Services.
A child with Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability will have a support plan which sets out targets that are currently being worked on and what additional provision is put in place for that child. The content of the plan is negotiated, as appropriate, with the child and the child’s family.
For many children, targets will be connected to learning and will often be specifically to do with basic skills in English and mathematics. For other children, they may be linked with social interaction, communicating with children and adults, emotional difficulties, overcoming physical issues (for example problems to do with fine motor control) and the targets set depend on the needs of the child.
The school offers many different forms of additional provision. This can include: additional in-class support; additional out-of-class support; one-to-one support; flexible groupings (including small group work); access to specific resources; mentoring; counselling; and access to a wide range of outside agencies. The additional provision depends on the needs of the child.
School adheres to the 2014 Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs and the Disability Act of 2004.
All staff in school continue to remove the barriers to learning, making all aspects of school life accessible to all pupils and ensuring all pupils reach their full potential.
Broadway Junior School is committed to providing an education that includes and stimulates all children, regardless of ability. We have pupils with a wide range of abilities and different needs and endeavour to include them in all activities, providing them with the opportunity to fulfil their full potential. We recognise that some pupils will need extra support and adaptations to access the school curriculum and to participate in school activities.
Quality First Teaching (QFT)
All children should have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. The National Curriculum Inclusion Statement states that teachers must set high expectations for every child, whatever their prior attainment.
At Broadway Junior School, all teachers are teachers of children with SEND. All leaders are leaders for SEND.
Teachers have a responsibility to:
- use appropriate assessment to set targets which are deliberately ambitious;
- plan lessons to address potential areas of difficulty and remove barriers to a child’s achievement. In many cases, such planning will mean that children with SEND and disabilities will be able to study the full National Curriculum;
- maintain records and assessments for pupils with SEND;
- plan for provision and differentiation and
- provide support plans in liaison with support staff, children, parents and carers and SENDCo (when necessary).