At Broadway Junior School, Religious Education enables our children to develop their own understanding of the world around them. Religious Education helps our children to acquire and build upon knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes needed to handle questions raised by religion, beliefs and worldviews. Our curriculum allows children to explore and reflect on their own personal views and ways of living. We strive to open up the world to our children by preparing them for life in the wider world, after Broadway. We aim to equip children with the knowledge, understanding and skills to enable them to participate positively in our diverse society and we intend for them to develop and articulate their own ideas, values and identities.
Our children’s personal development is at the forefront of what we do. Our RE curriculum contributes to children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, as well as allowing them to understand important fundamental British values.
Religious Education is an important part of the broad and balanced curriculum that we deliver to our children. We provide them with many opportunities to explore what people believe and how that impacts the way that they live through an ambitious systematic programme of study. We implement a creative curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school (see whole school long term planning/ Sunderland Agreed Syllabus 2021-2026). Through following our half termly overview and schemes of work, each year group plans and delivers a clear, systematic unit of work, based around outlined objectives.
We bring our Religious Education to life by offering learning outside the classroom. Children experience a variety of enrichment opportunities such as: assemblies, guest speakers, themed days and educational visits. We also maximise learning opportunities in our local area through visiting places of worship.
When appropriate, children will record in their curriculum books and photographs will be taken to provide evidence of learning and participation.
Through learning about different religious and non-religious beliefs, we ensure that children at Broadway Junior School are able to build upon skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3, and for life as an adult in the wider world. We aim for our children to:
- Understand the concepts, skills and processes of different religions, beliefs and worldviews.
- Understand the impact and significance of religious and non-religious beliefs.
- Be able to make connections between various religions, worldviews and their own beliefs.
- Be tolerant and respectful of those who have different religions and beliefs to that of themselves.
- Become critical thinkers and handle questions raised by religion and belief effectively.
- Reflect on their own beliefs, ideas and ways of living.
- Develop and articulate their own ideas, values and identities.
- Participate positively in society.
We measure the impact of our RE curriculum by:
- Assessing children’s understanding, knowledge and skills through conversations, observations, discussions, questioning, low-stake quizzes and work tasks in curriculum books.
- Discussions with the children about their learning.
- Monitoring of books.
- Pupil voice.