The new school year begins on Monday 9th September 2024.

Our Vision and Values

At Broadway, our core values are:

OPPORTUNITY to flourish


WELLBEING for all.

The children are at the very heart of our vision, our aims, our hopes and our expectations. We work hard to give every child a wide range of exciting opportunities and experiences throughout their four years with us, promoting their personal, social and cultural development and helping them to flourish and thrive in a 21st century world.

Our formal and informal curriculum is underpinned by high aspirations and a belief that, through endeavour and dedication, dreams can become a reality. Children are supported in developing their individual talents, interests and skills and it is our aim that all children will achieve well, both now and in the future.

At Broadway, we strive to be an integral and valued part of the community that we serve – a school that everyone feels proud to belong to. We firmly believe that wellbeing for every member of our school community is vital for happiness, fulfilment and success.

Our values and vision are summarised for children through our school motto, which was created by our School Council in 2020: